Maxillofacial Prosthetics
Since our founding in 1976, UCLA Maxillofacial Prosthetics has been dedicated to our mission of meeting the oral and facial rehabilitation needs of patients affected with head and neck cancer, congenital malformation, or acquired traumatic defects. As an integral service of the UCLA, Ronald Reagan Hospital, a majority of our patients are first seen in our weekly head and neck cancer program, formally known as the head and neck tumor board. Last year we helped prosthetically rehabilitate 41 patients with acquired defects of the maxilla and 27 patients with loss of facial structures such as eyes, ears and noses.
These are what we are fighting for:
Global annual occurrence of oral cancer is about 355,000 people, resulting in 177,000 deaths (2018).
In the United States, the rate of oral cancer increased 6% in the last decade.
Deaths from oral cancer during this time decreased 7%.
Oral cancer has an overall 5 year survival rate of 65% in the United States as of 2015, varying from 84% when the cancer is localized, 66% when spread to the neck lymph nodes, to 39% when spread to distant parts of the body.
Patients are evaluated and treatment is coordinated at our weekly Head and Neck Cancer Program. Collaboration between surgeons and prosthodontist allows immediately placement of zygomatic implants to anchor a maxillofacial prosthesis. Chewing and swallowing is restored despite removal of a malignant cancer of the entire palate.
Malignant skin neoplasm led to the loss of an ear. Collaboration between surgeons and prosthodontist provides cancer treatment and rehabilitation.
Immediately following removal of an aggressive tumor, microvascular surgery allows for reconstruction of the loss portion of the jaw. Restoration was completed with dental implants anchoring prosthetic dentition.
Post-Graduate Education
In addition to providing highly specialized oral-facial rehabilitation, our division serves an essential role in further specializing prosthodontists in our post-graduate residency. Our one-year program prepares the prosthodontist to care for and treat this functionally and esthetically impacted population. Graduates go on to assume full time positions in university hospitals, nationally and internationally.
Dr. Jayanetti and current MaxPros Fellows: Drs Chao, Tran and Chea (left to right).
The fellowship provides a diverse opportunity to train and treat patients with extensive compromise.
Faculty, friends, & alumni
Maxillofacial Technician
Tomomi Baba
Current Fellows:
Dr. Yannie Chea
Dr. Denny Chao
Dr. Christina Tran
Current Faculty:
Dr. Jay Jayanetti
Dr. Ting Ling Chang
Dr. John Beumer
Dr. Christine Fortmann
Dr. Jenny Le
Dr. Xuan Yue
Helpful Links
To become a Maxillofacial Prosthetics Fellow, please click here.
To become a patient, please call: (310) 825-6510 or email: